Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d, Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me, Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined, The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
Category: Journaling
I enjoy Journaling, I keep a record of my life for my own pleasure. I wonder if someone will read my journals when I am gone?
Ink Cuneiform
This is my Cuneiform Epitaph. Scratches on clay the remnants of lives, tiny sparks that winked brightly and then went out; time consuming the present moment by moment, Langoliers following closely behind, watching for scraps and pouncing on wasted time. When flesh grows cold, and entropy consumes blood, bones, and essence leaving nothing for the… Continue reading Ink Cuneiform
A Poem For Summer.
I put a poem in the inside of every new moleskine I buy. I put this poem from Tennyson in the moleskine I used for the most chaotic, upsetting and exciting year of my life. (4-2014 to 3-2015) An incredible number of things happened to me and my family during that time, and this poem… Continue reading A Poem For Summer.
Winsor & Newton Bijou Box: My Review After 6 Years Of Ownership
The Winsor And Newton Bijou box is an exquisite objet d’art, I find pleasure in simply owning this little jewel of a watercolor set. It is made by a UK art supply company and is rather hard to obtain in the USA, so i had this one shipped from London many years ago. If comes… Continue reading Winsor & Newton Bijou Box: My Review After 6 Years Of Ownership
Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Moleskines are now cliche objects of perceived creativity. They have a cult following and are everywhere. You can’t go into a coffee shop without finding someone sitting with macbook on one side, and a Moleskine open beside it. My first Moleskine was back in 2004 or 2005, I found it by stumbling on a conversation… Continue reading Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Oh Sea
Crashing salty wet brine leaping off cold wind on to my scorched face, twisting, crawling, trying to burrow deeper into my warm shell of a coat. My fingers are numb at the deep edges. Gulls want more, they scream at me to run in; to try and drown myself upon the soaked and scratched coral… Continue reading Oh Sea
Moleskine Folio StickNotes
Moleskines can be gadgets. This one is. I bought these StickNotes on a whim, I love Moleskine stuff, and this is no exception, but I really don’t need these, I just bought them because I like the design…
My Moleskine Today.
Rocking a Lamy Al Star today. With 1.1 Italic Nib.
The Value Of The Pens In My Case
$190.75 That number is the value I place on creativity. Or a hinting at the value I give to my writing. That is the cost of the pen case, and pens I carry everyday. I use these pens like tools, they are the hammer and saw of my mind, the wrench that I use to… Continue reading The Value Of The Pens In My Case
Pilot Frixion Eraseable Pens Review
This is the 24 pen set from Jetpens, they are the Pilot Frixion Pens, that are not yet available in the US, but they should be. They are a bit pricy at $50 a set, but there is a bunch of ink in each, so they should last a good long while. I bought them… Continue reading Pilot Frixion Eraseable Pens Review
New Lamy Safari And New Moleskine
Last Month, my new Lamy Safari cartridge fountain pen arrived, I chose the medium point, and the color is a very nice dark grey. It came with a cartridge of blue ink ( not my favorite ink color) I will use this one up, and then replace it with black. This Blue seems quite light.… Continue reading New Lamy Safari And New Moleskine