I love the IBM Model M. The Mighty Model M 122 Key Terminal Keyboard, this is the keyboard of the gods. Zeus uses one to update his blog, and post pictures of his cat. Just about the only piece of computing hardware from the 1980s that is still useful on a daily basis. (in-fact I… Continue reading The Mighty IBM Model M 122 Key Keyboard. [Ideas And Hacks]
Category: Projects
I am always working on something.. On creating new out of the old.
Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
I am converting an old Compaq Laptop and A Dell Flat-Screen Desktop Monitor into an All-In-One computer with one power supply and dual Displays. I took the display panel off the rear mount, and behind it there is just enough space to mount the power supply for the laptop motherboard. And here I tied the… Continue reading Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
One Week Without Food; A 7 Day Fast.
Saturday: Day 1 8:00am: Now begins my fast. I am abstaining from all forms of solid food for 7 days. I will only drink water and tea, perhaps a little coffee. I am not doing this to lose weight, I have been exercising, and eating well for about a year now and have made great… Continue reading One Week Without Food; A 7 Day Fast.