Self Identity

Identity “What do you do?” This is a question for which I have no answer. I get asked this often, and it is the prerennial american question, we are defined by what we do. We are our jobs. I don’t have an answer because I don’t get my identity from my job description, I don’t… Continue reading Self Identity

Moleskines Before They Were Famous

Moleskines are now cliche objects of perceived creativity. They have a cult following and are everywhere. You can’t go into a coffee shop without finding someone sitting with macbook on one side, and a Moleskine open beside it. My first Moleskine was back in 2004 or 2005, I found it by stumbling on a conversation… Continue reading Moleskines Before They Were Famous

Dreary Winter

Now in the midst of dreary winter, while the hills wear their white mantles, I sense a withering of will, and a drying up of muscle. When buds burst into leaves, I also break out in motion, powering against the rusted pedals, to rush down that path of leaves; rustling. . Wintry winds tear at… Continue reading Dreary Winter