I carry my Moleskine Pocket Sketchbook with me every day, and by the time I am done filling the notebook and move on to the next, I have usually stuffed it full with clippings, curled pages, photos and other detritus of life. The binding is swollen from all that extra bulk, and the book is… Continue reading Gfeller Casemakers Moleskine Leather Cover Review
Tag: Moleskine
Moments To Reflect
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d, Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me, Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined, The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life?
Winsor & Newton Bijou Box: My Review After 6 Years Of Ownership
The Winsor And Newton Bijou box is an exquisite objet d’art, I find pleasure in simply owning this little jewel of a watercolor set. It is made by a UK art supply company and is rather hard to obtain in the USA, so i had this one shipped from London many years ago. If comes… Continue reading Winsor & Newton Bijou Box: My Review After 6 Years Of Ownership
Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Moleskines are now cliche objects of perceived creativity. They have a cult following and are everywhere. You can’t go into a coffee shop without finding someone sitting with macbook on one side, and a Moleskine open beside it. My first Moleskine was back in 2004 or 2005, I found it by stumbling on a conversation… Continue reading Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Moleskine Folio StickNotes
Moleskines can be gadgets. This one is. I bought these StickNotes on a whim, I love Moleskine stuff, and this is no exception, but I really don’t need these, I just bought them because I like the design…
My New Favorite Pen: The Kuretake Letter Pen
I am enamored with my new pen: the Kuretake Letter Pen. It has a really fine point that allows for heavier lines when pressed hard, it makes really beautiful lettering, and gives my normal handwriting a bit of pretty flair. I just loooove it! (BTW: I got it from www.jetpens.com )
Whats In Your Moleskine Pocket?
My Moleskine is a vital part of my life, it serves as a permanent record of the daily thoughts and ideas of my life. I hope to one day pass on all of my accumulated journals to the fire of forgetfulness. In the pocket, I keep a $20 bill for emergencies, and a couple of… Continue reading Whats In Your Moleskine Pocket?
The Value Of The Pens In My Case
$190.75 That number is the value I place on creativity. Or a hinting at the value I give to my writing. That is the cost of the pen case, and pens I carry everyday. I use these pens like tools, they are the hammer and saw of my mind, the wrench that I use to… Continue reading The Value Of The Pens In My Case
New Lamy Safari And New Moleskine
Last Month, my new Lamy Safari cartridge fountain pen arrived, I chose the medium point, and the color is a very nice dark grey. It came with a cartridge of blue ink ( not my favorite ink color) I will use this one up, and then replace it with black. This Blue seems quite light.… Continue reading New Lamy Safari And New Moleskine