Gfeller Casemakers Moleskine Leather Cover Review

I carry my Moleskine Pocket Sketchbook with me every day, and by the time I am done filling the notebook and move on to the next, I have usually stuffed it full with clippings, curled pages, photos and other detritus of life. The binding is swollen from all that extra bulk, and the book is… Continue reading Gfeller Casemakers Moleskine Leather Cover Review

Ink Cuneiform

This is my Cuneiform Epitaph. Scratches on clay the remnants of lives, tiny sparks that winked brightly and then went out; time consuming the present moment by moment, Langoliers following closely behind, watching for scraps and pouncing on wasted time. When flesh grows cold, and entropy consumes blood, bones, and essence leaving nothing for the… Continue reading Ink Cuneiform