I am the Writer who does not write, and the poet with few poems. I see myself as a writer; it is my self identity. When I imagine myself in my minds-eye, I am personified as a writer, I see the future in the context of writing, and I fully expect to write, yet the… Continue reading The Writer Who Does Not Write
I am the shadow of a forgotten memory glistening on my windowpane, All wet with morning rain. The man I see, only fleetingly; is never me! Yet his visage follows my every waking step. A dash of wine; spattered on my ragged beard, like so much unneeded blood; I wonder if it is… Continue reading Repreve
Time Thief.
Darkness beneath the trees; twilight falls slowly down to the mossy leaf strewn earth, while I wait hidden between the dark void of the sky, and the sharp eyes of my pursuers, I keep my breath low and patient, my gaze even and wary. Time crawls across my rifle barrel and drips from my lips. It… Continue reading Time Thief.
The Mighty IBM Model M 122 Key Keyboard. [Ideas And Hacks]
I love the IBM Model M. The Mighty Model M 122 Key Terminal Keyboard, this is the keyboard of the gods. Zeus uses one to update his blog, and post pictures of his cat. Just about the only piece of computing hardware from the 1980s that is still useful on a daily basis. (in-fact I… Continue reading The Mighty IBM Model M 122 Key Keyboard. [Ideas And Hacks]
Sad Velvet
There are things slipping away from me. Little birds that don’t sit on my chair-rails; and a dog that never comes to me when I forget to call her. Maybe I should put the phone back on the wall… I think enough time has passed. When the bell rings, I go down to see if… Continue reading Sad Velvet
Why are some places more inspiring than others? Why do I fail to create anything in my day to day life, and then when I leave and go to a new town, down a different road, or travel far far away, then suddenly the inspiration flows easily? Is is the dull unending routine that I… Continue reading Inspirations
Poetry In A Glass.
Can sunlight be distilled from wasted years? Can hope be rendered from the detritus of dreams, or peace be found between twisted broken bodies on the battlefield? Poetry drips from broken oak staves where malcontent has been left to ferment.
Cut out the cruft, and streamline. Look to the goals I have set. I need to restructure my life, to concentrate on my goals and dreams. I need to work on cutting out all the cruft and create a better faster more streamlined me. Ezra 2.0 There isn’t enough time in one human life to… Continue reading Restructure.
LOTRO Addiction / Rambling
I got sucked into a MMORPG. I used to never play games, beyond simple puzzle and iPhone games, I just never had the time to play, and no real desire to invest the time. The last time I had played a computer game and cared about it, it was QUAKE II, back in the late… Continue reading LOTRO Addiction / Rambling
Life is all about balance. Between pleasure and duty; between desires and reality. I can’t seem to find a good mix between my Maker side, and my Minimalist side. On the one side is my obsession with creating things, fixing broken stuff, and modifying and generally tinkering constantly with electronics, bikes, cars, you name it.… Continue reading Balance
Career Choices
Why is it that nearly everyone expects, and wants a career that is dependent on others? A larger entity than ourselves seems to offer stability and control, we don't feel like we are all alone on the seas of change, we are anchored to something larger and greater, and that gives strength to our small… Continue reading Career Choices
Neutral Education
I want to send my daughter to a good school. What parent doesn’t want that for their kid? I want her to learn the skills she needs to survive in this damn mess we call a society. What I don’t want is to send her away to be indoctrinated into a narrow-minded view of the… Continue reading Neutral Education
Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Moleskines are now cliche objects of perceived creativity. They have a cult following and are everywhere. You can’t go into a coffee shop without finding someone sitting with macbook on one side, and a Moleskine open beside it. My first Moleskine was back in 2004 or 2005, I found it by stumbling on a conversation… Continue reading Moleskines Before They Were Famous
Oh Sea
Crashing salty wet brine leaping off cold wind on to my scorched face, twisting, crawling, trying to burrow deeper into my warm shell of a coat. My fingers are numb at the deep edges. Gulls want more, they scream at me to run in; to try and drown myself upon the soaked and scratched coral… Continue reading Oh Sea
Synergy on Fedora and Slacko Puppy 5.5
I have two computers on my lab bench: the Franken-Computer that I wrote about a few weeks ago, and another regular computer running ‘Slacko Puppy 5.5’ (which is a lightweight Slackware build) I have had these two systems going for a few months, and have had two sets of keyboards and mice, but knew I… Continue reading Synergy on Fedora and Slacko Puppy 5.5
Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
I am converting an old Compaq Laptop and A Dell Flat-Screen Desktop Monitor into an All-In-One computer with one power supply and dual Displays. I took the display panel off the rear mount, and behind it there is just enough space to mount the power supply for the laptop motherboard. And here I tied the… Continue reading Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
Moleskine Folio StickNotes
Moleskines can be gadgets. This one is. I bought these StickNotes on a whim, I love Moleskine stuff, and this is no exception, but I really don’t need these, I just bought them because I like the design…
One Week Without Food; A 7 Day Fast.
Saturday: Day 1 8:00am: Now begins my fast. I am abstaining from all forms of solid food for 7 days. I will only drink water and tea, perhaps a little coffee. I am not doing this to lose weight, I have been exercising, and eating well for about a year now and have made great… Continue reading One Week Without Food; A 7 Day Fast.
In Love With The Return Key
My first computer was an ATARI 1200XL I was in seventh heaven! I can still remember the smell of the plastic when I opened the box, (it was used, but still in the box) and I remember the sound that 5-1/4″ floppy would make when it was seeking. I had an INDUS GT drive (which… Continue reading In Love With The Return Key
The Bell-curve Of Society
My job requires me to make house-calls. During my work day, I meet people. Old, young, and everywhere in-between, I know all kinds. Most people fit firmly into the center of the bell-curve of society, but there are those that stand at the outer edges of ‘normal’. These people can range from the mildly out… Continue reading The Bell-curve Of Society