Another sunrise. I returned home from my week long trip, but still found the time to go see the sunrise on Saturday morning. How many sunsets will I see? How many sunrises? They happen every day, why do I only find time to see them rarely?
Tag: Time
Time Is Money
Time Is Money, Time Is Life, Therefore Money = Life Spend your money wisely. How much is your time worth? Each one of us sells ourselves every working day of our lives, you sell little bits of your life to your employer every day you go to work. How much is your life worth? The… Continue reading Time Is Money
Time Thief.
Darkness beneath the trees; twilight falls slowly down to the mossy leaf strewn earth, while I wait hidden between the dark void of the sky, and the sharp eyes of my pursuers, I keep my breath low and patient, my gaze even and wary. Time crawls across my rifle barrel and drips from my lips. It… Continue reading Time Thief.