The New Raspberry Pi Zero. The Raspberry Pi foundation has released the new Pi Zero, which comes in at an absolutely amazing $5 price. They are of course totally sold out so I can’t get my paws on one yet, but even so I know this is going to be amazing. I was excited about… Continue reading Revolutionary $5 Computer: Raspberry Pi Zero
Category: Technology
Technology is ultimately a tool. Each new idea and invention can be used for good or bad, and can add to your life, or take away from it.
Osprey Veer Resource Bag Review
I have been using the Osprey Veer Resource bag since 2010 as my ‘walking bag’ whenever I go out for a walk, or a short bike ride. I keep it to pretty minimal contents; mostly my iPad, a few pens and my Moleskine. Thats pretty much it most of the time. I bought the blue… Continue reading Osprey Veer Resource Bag Review
The Mighty IBM Model M 122 Key Keyboard. [Ideas And Hacks]
I love the IBM Model M. The Mighty Model M 122 Key Terminal Keyboard, this is the keyboard of the gods. Zeus uses one to update his blog, and post pictures of his cat. Just about the only piece of computing hardware from the 1980s that is still useful on a daily basis. (in-fact I… Continue reading The Mighty IBM Model M 122 Key Keyboard. [Ideas And Hacks]
Synergy on Fedora and Slacko Puppy 5.5
I have two computers on my lab bench: the Franken-Computer that I wrote about a few weeks ago, and another regular computer running ‘Slacko Puppy 5.5’ (which is a lightweight Slackware build) I have had these two systems going for a few months, and have had two sets of keyboards and mice, but knew I… Continue reading Synergy on Fedora and Slacko Puppy 5.5
Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
I am converting an old Compaq Laptop and A Dell Flat-Screen Desktop Monitor into an All-In-One computer with one power supply and dual Displays. I took the display panel off the rear mount, and behind it there is just enough space to mount the power supply for the laptop motherboard. And here I tied the… Continue reading Dual Screen VESA Mount All In One FrankenComputer Hack
In Love With The Return Key
My first computer was an ATARI 1200XL I was in seventh heaven! I can still remember the smell of the plastic when I opened the box, (it was used, but still in the box) and I remember the sound that 5-1/4″ floppy would make when it was seeking. I had an INDUS GT drive (which… Continue reading In Love With The Return Key
The Constellation Of Music
This is a screenshot from an iPad app called: Planetary. It is a graphical representation of a music library. (In this example you can see a selection of artists in my library) I use it when I want a beautiful interactive view of my music, or just to browse through and enjoy. Check it out,… Continue reading The Constellation Of Music