I think time is the greatest luxury of all. I took this weekend and took off for Ocala National Forest. I loaded up my bike and spent the second half of Friday out riding the back roads, and today (Saturday) I am still out here riding and exploring. In the morning, I woke up as… Continue reading Escape on two wheels.
Tag: Outdoors
Promises of spring.
Sitting on a rock in the cold sun. The wind comes up from the sparkling river and whispers of a future spring. There is yet a core of warmth in the twisting wind, a hope of dog starred August days. Winter has for a moment lost the thread, Lady frost is searching for clear moonlight,… Continue reading Promises of spring.
Into The Wild – John Krakauer [ Book Review]
Into The Wild, by John Krakauer was a short read, it doesn’t take a lot of room on the shelf, but there are treasures within that belay it’s small size. A friend recommended the book to me about 4 years ago, and gave me a short synopsis of the story. I remember it well, because… Continue reading Into The Wild – John Krakauer [ Book Review]