Coyote Soul, Raven Heart: Meditations Of A Hunter Wanderer stands easily in the company of other Nature Philosophical works as Ogburn’s ‘The Winter Beach’, Beston’s Outermost House, and yes even ‘Walden’ by Thoreau. Like these other books; the subject and content of ‘Coyote Soul, Raven Heart’ is not easily distilled into a few words, Reg’s… Continue reading Coyote Soul, Raven Heart: Meditations Of A Hunter Wanderer – Reg Darling [Book Review]
Tag: Nature
The Outermost House -Henry Beston [Book Review]
I am surprised that I was unaware of this book for so many years. This book is considered one of the quintessential pieces of nature writing. Though the natural world is a great passion of mine, and in retrospect- some of the books I own reference The Outermost House, I had never picked up a… Continue reading The Outermost House -Henry Beston [Book Review]